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Counting Blessings: 5 Reasons to Be Thankful in Injury Claims

Posted on: November 16th, 2023 by Joe Cunnane
Counting Blessings: 5 Reasons to Be Thankful in Injury Claims - Cunnane Law - Edmonds, WA

Gratitude in personal injury claims: 5 blessings that can brighten the path to recovery.

As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and the gathering of loved ones. For individuals who have experienced personal injuries, this holiday season can hold special significance, especially when guided by the dedicated team at Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA. While recovering from an accident or navigating the complexities of a personal injury claim, it might be challenging to find reasons to be thankful. However, even in the face of adversity, there are elements of personal injury claims that can inspire gratitude.

5 Aspects of Personal Injury Claims to Be Thankful For

1. Legal Support and Advocacy from Cunnane Law

One of the most significant aspects that injured victims can be thankful for is the unwavering support and advocacy provided by personal injury attorneys, such as those at Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA. These professionals don’t just handle legal matters; they become pillars of strength during challenging times. They work tirelessly to ensure that victims receive the compensation they deserve, helping them regain financial stability and peace of mind.

In the midst of a personal injury claim, an attorney from Cunnane Law becomes not just a legal representative but also a source of guidance and reassurance. They navigate the complexities of the legal system, handle negotiations with insurance companies, and gather crucial evidence to build a strong case. Injured victims can be thankful for having a legal advocate who is committed to their well-being and who works diligently to achieve the best possible outcome.

2. Access to Essential Medical Treatment with Cunnane Law’s Help

Another reason for gratitude in personal injury claims, especially when backed by Cunnane Law, is access to necessary medical treatment. Serious injuries often require extensive medical care, rehabilitation, and ongoing treatment. Personal injury claims can enable injured victims to access these crucial services, even if the costs are initially overwhelming.

Through compensation obtained with the support of Cunnane Law, individuals can secure the medical treatment and therapy they need to recover to the fullest extent possible. This access to healthcare can make a world of difference in their healing process and quality of life. It’s a reason to be thankful for the support that allows them to regain their health and well-being.

3. Restoring Financial Stability with Cunnane Law

In the aftermath of an accident, financial worries can compound the physical and emotional challenges an injured victim faces. However, personal injury claims with the assistance of Cunnane Law are designed to address these concerns by seeking compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to the injury.

Victims can be thankful for the opportunity to regain financial stability through these claims, thanks to the dedication of Cunnane Law. Compensation can provide relief from the burden of mounting bills and the stress of financial uncertainty. It allows individuals to focus on their recovery without the constant worry about how they will cover their expenses.

4. Holding Responsible Parties Accountable with Cunnane Law

Personal injury claims, especially when handled by Cunnane Law, play a vital role in holding responsible parties accountable for their actions. Whether it’s a negligent driver, a property owner, or a manufacturer of defective products, these claims send a powerful message that recklessness and negligence have consequences.

By pursuing a personal injury claim, injured victims, with Cunnane Law’s guidance, contribute to making their communities safer. This sense of making a positive change in society can be a source of pride and gratitude. It reminds them that their actions are not just for their own benefit but also for the well-being of others.

5. Supportive Communities and Loved Ones with Cunnane Law by Your Side

Finally, injured victims, with Cunnane Law by their side, can be profoundly thankful for the support of their communities and loved ones. During challenging times, the importance of a strong support system cannot be overstated. Friends, family, and local communities often rally around those who have been injured, providing emotional support, assistance with daily tasks, and a sense of belonging.

This support network, combined with the legal expertise of Cunnane Law, can make a significant difference in the recovery process, both physically and emotionally. Knowing that they are not alone and that there are people who care about their well-being can bring comfort and hope to injured victims during their journey toward healing.

Summing It Up: Why We’re Thankful in Personal Injury Claims

In conclusion, while personal injuries can bring about immense challenges, there are reasons for injured victims to be thankful, especially with the guidance and support of Cunnane Law. The legal support and advocacy, access to crucial medical treatment, financial stability, accountability for responsible parties, and the unwavering support of communities and loved ones are all sources of gratitude. As Thanksgiving approaches, let us remember that even in the face of adversity, there are aspects of personal injury claims, especially when supported by Cunnane Law, that can inspire hope and thankfulness.


Building Trust, Winning Cases: The Credibility Approach of Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA

Posted on: August 22nd, 2023 by Joe Cunnane
Building Trust, Winning Cases: The Credibility Approach of Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA

Discover how Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA establishes ironclad credibility in personal injury cases.

Welcome to the world of personal injury claims – where establishing credibility is key to winning your case. At Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA, we understand that your story matters. In this article, we’ll break down the burden of proof and show you exactly how our expert team builds a solid, believable case that stands up in court. Whether it’s a slip and fall, a car accident, or any other unfortunate event, knowing how to prove your side of the story is crucial. Let’s dive in.

Credibility and the Burden of Proof: Five Things to Know

1. What’s the Deal with the Burden of Proof?

When it comes to personal injury cases, the burden of proof is like the spotlight on a stage. It’s on you, the plaintiff, to show that your version of events is more likely true than not. It’s not about proving every tiny detail beyond a shadow of a doubt – it’s about tipping the scales of justice in your favor. Cunnane Law is here to help you carry that weight.

Expert Tip: Our skilled attorneys understand that every detail counts. We’ll work with you to gather solid evidence, from medical records to eyewitness accounts, so your story shines.

2. Credibility is the Name of the Game

Think of credibility as the trust currency in court. When the judge and jury believe in your version of events, your chances of winning soar. But how do you build that credibility? That’s where we come in.

Our Approach: At Cunnane Law, we don’t just present facts – we create a compelling narrative that draws in your audience. Our team knows that combining medical records, expert opinions, and your personal account paints a vivid picture that’s hard to ignore.

3. Your Strongest Allies: Expert Witnesses

When the going gets tough, expert witnesses get going. These professionals lend their expertise to your case, explaining complex details in a language everyone understands. From medical specialists to accident reconstruction experts, we’ve got the A-team ready to bolster your credibility.

Our Promise: Our friendly experts won’t just speak in jargon – they’ll break it down for you and the court. Cunnane Law ensures that these witnesses bolster your case, making it solid as a rock.

4. Your Voice, Amplified: Client Testimonials

Your experience is a powerful tool. Sharing your personal account – your pain, your struggles, your recovery – humanizes your case. We encourage you to share your story because, in the end, your voice is what sets your case apart.

Your Impact: Cunnane Law knows that your voice is unique. We’ll help you express it in a way that resonates with the judge and jury, making your case not just about facts, but about the person behind them.

5. Unveiling the Truth Through Cross-Examination

When it’s the opposition’s turn to present their side, we’re ready to dig deep. Our skilled cross-examination tactics expose inconsistencies and biases, further highlighting the credibility of your story.

In Action: Watch as Cunnane Law unravels opposing arguments with finesse. Our dynamic approach ensures that your credibility remains unshaken, even in the face of opposition.

From Story to Victory with Cunnane Law

At Cunnane Law, we’re not just your attorneys – we’re your partners in crafting a compelling case. The burden of proof may seem heavy, but we’re here to shoulder it with you. Establishing credibility is not just a legal strategy; it’s a promise we make to you. With our expert team by your side, your story will shine, and justice will prevail. Ready to see how we can turn the spotlight in your favor? Let’s get started.

The Hidden Costs of Car Accidents

Posted on: June 21st, 2023 by Joe Cunnane

Car accidents are distressing events that can leave lasting physical, emotional, and financial consequences. Dealing with insurance companies and medical expenses may be part of the immediate aftermath, but the days, weeks, and even years following the accident can bring forth hidden costs. That’s why, if you’ve been involved in a car accident in Edmonds, WA, it’s crucial to understand the hidden costs and seek the expertise of a dedicated personal injury attorney at Cunnane Law. With their knowledge of Washington state laws and their commitment to protecting your rights, they can help you navigate the complexities of your case and secure the compensation you deserve.

Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney

Medical Expenses Beyond the Obvious

The Hidden Costs of Car Accidents - Edmonds, WA - Cunnane Law

Seeking compensation after a car accident in Edmonds, WA? Explore the hidden expenses you may face and how a personal injury attorney at Cunnane Law can protect your interests.

When it comes to car accidents, medical expenses are often at the forefront of our minds. However, it’s important to recognize that the true extent of these expenses can go beyond the immediate treatment you receive. Injuries sustained in car accidents can result in long-term medical care, rehabilitation, and ongoing therapies. Without proper legal representation, you may find yourself burdened with mounting medical bills that you’re not fully aware of until it’s too late.

A personal injury attorney from Cunnane Law can meticulously review your medical records, consult with medical experts, and calculate the true cost of your injuries. When seeking compensation, they will fight to consider all present and future medical expenses, ensuring your peace of mind by not leaving you alone with the financial burden of your injuries.

Lost Wages and Diminished Earning Capacity

Following a car accident, the injuries sustained can result in significant time away from work. Whether it’s days, weeks, or even months, these absences can have a severe impact on your financial stability. The loss of wages during your recovery period can make it difficult to cover your regular expenses, let alone the additional costs that may arise due to the accident. Moreover, in some cases, car accidents can lead to long-term or permanent disabilities, resulting in a diminished earning capacity.

A skilled personal injury attorney at Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA understands the importance of accurately assessing the economic impact of lost wages and diminished earning capacity. They will work tirelessly to ensure that you are fairly compensated for the income you have lost and will continue to lose in the future. By seeking legal representation, you can focus on your recovery while knowing that your attorney is advocating for your financial well-being.

Emotional and Psychological Toll

Car accidents can cause significant emotional and psychological distress that goes beyond the physical injuries. The trauma experienced during and after the accident can lead to anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other psychological conditions. These invisible injuries can have a profound impact on your overall quality of life, affecting your relationships, work performance, and daily functioning.

With a personal injury attorney from Cunnane Law, you can address these hidden costs of car accidents. They understand the importance of acknowledging and validating the emotional and psychological toll you have experienced. They will ensure that your claim considers these non-economic damages, advocating for compensation that accurately reflects the pain and suffering you have endured.

Get Help from An Edmonds, WA Personal Injury Attorney

Car accidents can result in hidden costs that extend far beyond the immediate aftermath. By enlisting the services of a skilled personal injury attorney at Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA, you can protect yourself from the financial burdens that may arise in the aftermath of the accident. Their expertise in Washington state laws, dedication to client well-being, and commitment to securing fair compensation will give you the confidence and peace of mind you need to focus on your recovery. Don’t let the hidden costs of car accidents catch you off guard. Contact Cunnane Law today and take the first step toward reclaiming your life.


Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Following a Car Accident, When Should You Contact a Lawyer?

Posted on: May 18th, 2023 by Joe Cunnane
Following a Car Accident, When Should You Contact a Lawyer? - Edmonds, WA - Cunnane Law

A car accident is stressful! But don’t make it worse by not contacting an expert attorney right away.

You might feel very stressed and have a to-do list that is miles long after being involved in a car accident. However, the first thing you should do is get in touch with a seasoned auto accident lawyer. The good news is that they can help reduce your stress during this trying time and handle a lot of your post-accident to-do list.

Some people wonder if hiring a lawyer is really necessary. Insurance companies can be challenging, even if your case appears to be straightforward. To guarantee you receive full compensation for your car accident claim, you should always seek legal assistance.

Why, then, should you get in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible?

The Statute of Limitations

Personal injury cases, including claims arising from auto accidents, are subject to statutes of limitations in each state. A strict deadline exists under the statute of limitations. Most states have a statute of limitations that ranges from one to four years starting from the accident date. The time frame can, however, occasionally be “tolled” or paused, for instance if the claim involves a minor child.

It’s imperative that you speak with a knowledgeable auto accident lawyer right away.

Safeguarding Your Rights

Sad to say, insurance companies are not in the business of defending your rights. Since they are in business to make money, protecting the rights of injured claimants frequently conflicts with that goal. However, when you retain a skilled auto accident lawyer, it is their responsibility to uphold your legal rights.

For instance, they will represent you in communications with the insurance provider. As a result, you won’t be able to give them information, such as medical records for prior injuries, to which they are not legally entitled and which could give them the upper hand. Additionally, they might distort your words to depict the accident in a different light than it actually was.

Capitalize on Claim Value

The sooner you speak with a car accident attorney, the more you can do to increase the value of your claim. It is common practice for insurance adjusters to get in touch with accident victims right away, before they become aware of the true worth of their claim, and most likely, before they have spoken with an attorney.

You won’t know how much your claim is really worth, so if they can catch you now, you’ll probably be willing to accept whatever they might offer. An experienced auto accident lawyer will be aware of the full value of your claim and will not consent to a settlement for less unless you, the client, specifically instruct them to do so.

An Experienced Car Accident Attorney is Just a Phone Call Away

Your life may be changed forever if you were in a car accident. But you don’t have to accept what has happened by doing nothing. Instead, you can get the legal and medical attention you need. Taking these actions won’t turn back time. However, they will give you the best chance of being fully and fairly compensated for your losses. To learn more about how Cunnane Law can assist you, get in touch with our knowledgeable car accident lawyer right away.


Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.



Were You Hit by a Texting Driver? Now What?

Posted on: March 28th, 2023 by Joe Cunnane
Were You Hit By a Texting Driver? Now What? - Cunnane Law - Car Crash Attorney

A texting driver is a distracted, dangerous driver. Here’s what you should do if you’re in an accident caused by texting.

Texting while driving is prohibited in 48 states, with the exception of Montana, where it is still allowed, and Missouri, where it is only partially prohibited for drivers 21 years of age and younger.

The Issue with Texting and Driving

Using a navigation system, talking on the phone, reading or typing text messages, taking care of one’s personal hygiene, eating, or drinking while driving are all deemed distractions. The risk of serious, catastrophic, and even fatal injuries increases for the driver, passengers, and other road users when the driver is distracted.

The following are the top three driving distractions:

  • Manual:  Letting go of the steering wheel to text
  • Visual: Not watching the road while reading or typing text
  • Cognitive: Taking your focus off driving to think about what to text

You Were Hit by a Texting Driver; What Now?

Nobody ever plans to get into an accident, so when you learn that the person who hit you or was at fault for your car accident was texting, it can cause a range of emotions.

Just don’t take too much time defending your rights. You need to get started on these two crucial tasks right away:

  • Seek medical attention.
  • Speak with an experienced auto accident lawyer

By taking these steps as soon as you can, you help protect your rights. You want to make sure that you get the most out of any compensation you might be eligible for.

Seek Medical Attention

No matter how minor the bumps, bruises, or scratches may be, anyone hurt in a car accident needs to get medical help right away. Even if you feel uninjured, you should still go to the emergency room right away or visit your doctor the next day.

Allow a medical professional to examine you formally so they can confirm you were in a car accident and record it in your medical file, as well as any pain or symptoms you are currently experiencing.

Consult an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney

The next step is to meet with an experienced auto accident lawyer. The majority of lawyers and law offices provide free initial consultations, so speaking with one to discuss the specifics of your accident won’t cost you anything. A lawyer will question you extensively about your accident and injuries during your consultation. You can then hire a lawyer to represent your case if they decide they can assist you and if you have a strong injury claim.

Many lawyers work on contingency fees, which means that you pay them only after they secure compensation for you.

Proof that a Driver Was Texting

Once you have a lawyer on your side, you can concentrate on your recovery and returning to normal life. Your lawyer will handle the specific details of your case. They will investigate the accident to ascertain how it occurred and who was at fault. Identifying whether the driver who hit you was texting or otherwise distracted will be a part of this process.

They can prove this with evidence such as:

  • Cell Phone Records
  • There are no tire skid marks on the road
  • The Police/Accident Report
  • Statements from witnesses and passengers

The Cunnane Law Team Gets Results

Through the entire court process, we provide legal counsel and get you the outcomes you need. Don’t be unprepared when one of the top legal teams available can help. Having a skilled auto accident lawyer on your side can help your case and streamline the legal claims procedure. To arrange your consultation, get in touch with us right away.



Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.


Is Washington an At-Fault State for Car Accidents?

Posted on: February 22nd, 2023 by Marcel Colon
In Washington, the driver at fault pays for the damages. Here’s what that might mean for you after a car accident.

In Washington, the driver at fault pays for the damages. Here’s what that might mean for you after a car accident.

How will your insurance handle the situation if you’ve recently been in a car accident in Washington state?

Washington is known as an “at-fault” state. That means, in the state of Washington, the person at fault for an accident must cover the costs of the harm that was done. Ideally, each driver should have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage to cover their own medical costs and wage loss up to the policy limit.

Now, let’s discuss exactly what that means for you, your insurance policy, and your wallet after a car accident.

What Exactly Is “PIP” Insurance?

PIP coverage is designed to pay for medical expenses and lost wages resulting for your car accident injuries, regardless of who caused the accident. Even if you were the cause of the accident, PIP will pay the reasonable and necessary medical expense for injuries related the accident.

In Washington state, the person who caused the accident is liable for paying the injured party’s medical bills, or both if both are at fault. Working with a local Edmonds car accident lawyer is especially crucial if you reside in Washington state, where the at-fault party is responsible for paying for your expenses.

After a Car Accident, How is Blame Assigned?

Most car accident cases in Washington do not go to court with a car accident lawyer. Instead, the insurance company investigates the evidence provided by the police report and the reports of the people involved in the accident, and then uses that information to determine who was at fault in the accident.

After the car crash, if a person has injuries, they should go see a medical doctor as soon as possible. Even if they do not believe they have injuries, it would be good protection just to get check out by a medical professional. Injuries like a concussion or TBI can be hard to detect.

Typically, the insurance company of the person at fault usually offers the other party a settlement, but the amount is variable depending upon the nature and the extent of the injuries. It is very important to have solid medical professionals help you with your medical care.  In any case you should contact Cunnane Law’s Edmonds car accident attorneys with over 50 years’ worth of experience to get the compensation you deserve.

How Can an Edmonds Car Accident Attorney Assist You?

As soon as you are in an accident, (after going to see a medical professional) certainly within the first few days, you should contact an attorney at Cunnane Law in Edmonds, WA to discuss your case and ensure that you’re being treated fairly. If you are offered a settlement after a car accident, you should consult with an attorney to ensure that you are receiving a fair offer. When it comes to getting the compensation you deserve after a car accident, the representation of a car accident attorney can be well worth your time.

Ready to talk to the car accident experts? Contact us today.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

How Are Car Accident Cases Settled?

Posted on: January 24th, 2023 by Marcel Colon
Most car accident cases don’t make it to court. But the settlement process can be complex. You need an experienced attorney to help.

Most car accident cases don’t make it to court. But the settlement process can be complex. You need an experienced attorney to help.

Most cases involving auto accidents are resolved outside of court. This is beneficial to accident victims because it means they will receive the compensation they require without having to wait for a trial. However, the procedure can be challenging, and errors could cost you a sizable portion of the money you require to rebuild your life. Even if you do not want to go to court, Cunnane Law can assist you in settling your case fairly and quickly.

Firstly, Contact the Insurance Company

Notifying the insurance company of your claim is the first step in the settlement process. This alerts the insurance company that you intend to file a claim. This step can be difficult because the insurance company will question you extensively about your accident. Some of these questions are relatively harmless; the insurance company will need your contact information, the make and model of your car, and the location and time of the accident.

Other questions may pose difficulties. They may inquire as to whether you have been injured and seek your opinion on the cause of the accident. How you respond to these questions could very well jeopardize your claim in the future. The best course of action, if you have been hurt in a car accident, is to call Cunnane Law and let us deal with the insurance company on your behalf.

Secondly, Do Your Homework

Collecting all of the accident-related documentation is the next step in the settlement process. This will consist of the following:

  • A copy of the police accident report
  • Copies of your medical records detailing your accident-related injuries, prescribed treatment, prognosis, and any limitations caused by your injuries.
  • Copies of all bills, including medical bills, estimates for repairing or replacing your vehicle, documentation for lost wages, and any other monetary losses
  • Photographs of your injuries, vehicle damage, and the accident scene
  • Any other records or notes you may have that detail how your injuries affect your day-to-day activities, such as your inability to care for your family, engage in hobbies and other activities, or perform basic daily tasks.

If you are in pain and finding it difficult to get through each day, this step may be challenging. An Edmonds car accident lawyer can assist you with this step, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Third step: Calculate the Value of Your Claim

After gathering your documentation, you must determine the value of your claim. In other words, you are estimating how much compensation you will require to be made whole. Your damage claim will include the following:

  • Your out-of-pocket medical costs, such as co-pays and deductibles, as well as any medical expenses that are covered by your health insurance.
  • Your lost earnings if you are unable to work as a result of the accident or must take time off to attend doctor’s appointments and physical therapy.
  • The cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle.
  • Your emotional pain and anxiety.

The majority of non-attorneys settle their cases for much less than they are worth, which leaves them with unpaid bills. An experienced Edmonds car accident lawyer can estimate the total value of your claim and then ensure that you are fairly compensated for your losses.

Fourth step: Submit the Demand Letter

Once you’ve determined a reasonable estimate of the compensation you deserve, send a letter to the insurance company demanding that they pay that amount. There is no set format to follow, but the letter should include enough detail and supporting documentation to back up your claim. An Edmonds car accident lawyer can draft an effective demand letter that makes a strong case.

Fifth step: Negotiate the Claim

Insurance companies never really pay the full amount demanded. Instead, they will make a counter-offer. You now have the option of accepting the counter-offer or making a fresh offer. Working with an Edmonds car accident lawyer in this situation can be very beneficial because they can use both their negotiating skills and their knowledge of auto accident claims to help you get the best possible settlement.

Car Accident Injured? Contact Edmonds Car Accident Attorney Joe Cunnane for Assistance Settling Your Claim

It is more complicated than you might expect to settle your claim. Contact Cunnane Law for assistance in protecting your right to fair compensation. Call 425-672-7100 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case and how we can help you.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Resolutions for a Safe New Year

Posted on: December 27th, 2022 by Marcel Colon
Stay safe, and know that if things go wrong and you need legal help, Cunnane Law will be there for you.

Stay safe, and know that if things go wrong and you need legal help, Cunnane Law will be there for you.

Happy New Year – Welcome 2023

Do you currently have any New Year’s resolutions? Many people have had a really difficult year in 2022, so for lots of us this time around, making resolutions feels a little different.

The Big Three, reducing weight, saving money, and exercising more, as well as less stress and more travel, are the most popular New Year’s resolutions that people make when the ball drops on New Year’s Eve.

So here are some goals for 2023. Taking control of the things within your control is one strategy for dealing with it. If you believe that establishing a resolution feels like a positive step, then go for it, regardless of whether you’re studying, working, parenting, transitioning to a new stage of life, or just trying to keep your head above water. Additionally, don’t impose arbitrary restrictions on how to achieve it.

Make an effort to avoid setting a goal that is so rigid that you fear failing. Aim to advance toward your objective and recognize your success along the way.

Stay Safe in 2023

We all have a responsibility to maintain our health and safety. As we approach a box-fresh New Year, it can be helpful to review some of the non-negotiables for driving or riding safely on the road, especially in the winter.

  • Never drive when intoxicated or under the influence of drugs;
  • Never drive while distracted. Turn off your cell phone or put it somewhere out of sight and earshot
  • Check the weather for your route and slowdown in wet, icy, or bad weather.
  • Whether you’re a driver or a passenger, always buckle your seatbelt and slow down when driving in dangerous conditions.
  • Maintaining your car will keep it reliable and safe on the road.
  • Always use the correct safety gear, including a crash helmet, when riding a motorcycle or bicycle.

There are two things we can say with absolute certainty at this time when everything is still unpredictable. First of all, good, positive things will always occur and manifest throughout the year.

The availability of Cunnane Law at your disposal whenever you need us is the second thing you can count on in 2023. As the leading car crash attorney in Edmonds, WA, we want you to know we have your back at all times. If you need us in any way, please reach out through our contact form.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Here’s to Happy Holidays from Cunnane Law

Posted on: December 6th, 2022 by Marcel Colon
This time of year can be challenging, but we wish you the very best this holiday season.

This time of year can be challenging, but we wish you the very best this holiday season.

The holidays can be hard sometimes.

It is common, given our type of work, for the people we assist on a daily basis to find the holidays to be a trying time. This is especially true if you are ill, confined to a bed, or preoccupied with medical care and physical therapy.

We realize that not working can be stressful, leaving you to wonder what you will do.

It can be tough to imagine even “having” Christmas this year if you are out of work and your employer or insurance provider are making things even more difficult.

We understand that, which is the reason we are here to help.

We can offer you and your loved ones a little more piece of mind, even if we cannot guarantee that your problem will be resolved before the holiday season is through.

Being uncertain about what to do or what your alternatives are, particularly when dealing with a complex legal system, can be very stressful to say the least.

It also doesn’t help to experience times when your paycheck is unpredictable or to worry about how you’ll pay your medical expenditures.

We can provide you with our expertise and guidance while we help you with car accidents and long-term disability claims. In fact, that is what Cunnane Law in Edmonds is particularly good at.

We understand that you might be having a difficult time this year, more than ever, and our wish for you is for strength and peace and a happy holiday season surrounded by your loved ones.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

Holiday Decorating Can Result in Injuries

Posted on: November 27th, 2022 by Marcel Colon
Have fun this holiday season, and stay safe and healthy!

Have fun this holiday season, and stay safe and healthy!

Following Halloween, the Christmas season officially starts on November 1st. People start decorating for the holidays from Thanksgiving through to Christmas and New Year’s. To celebrate this joyous season, Christmas trees are set up, wreaths are hung, yard decorations are placed, lights are strewn over the house and landscape, and menorahs are lit. Exercising caution can help prevent common injuries, but decorating has hidden risks that should be considered.

Rushing to Get Things Done Takes a Toll

Almost everyone finds the holiday season the busiest time of year. People are rushing to complete work assignments before the end of the year while also balancing holiday shopping, event planning, family visits, decorating, baking, and a host of other activities. Some people rush through their decorating as quickly as possible due to a lack of time. However, decorating in a hurry can result in shortcuts and safety risks, resulting in minor or serious injury.

Keep Safety in Mind When Decorating

Christmas lights are a popular Christmas tradition, but they also present a very real risk to people’s health and safety. Plugging in lights that are old or with frayed wires can result in electrical shorts that can start house fires or cause serious injury from electrocution. To avoid a short circuit, never connect more than 210 watts worth of light strings at once.  These are less obvious safety precautions to follow, but they can help you stay safe throughout the holidays.

While candles are a common year-round home decoration, they are also popular for the holidays. It takes only a heartbeat for a candle placed next to a dry Christmas tree to become a catastrophe. Blow out candles before leaving the room and keep them away from the Christmas tree and anything combustible. In November and December of each year from 2016 to 2018, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission found that there were approximately 100 Christmas tree fires and approximately 1,100 candle fires. This led to 30 fatalities, 180 injuries, and annual property losses of around $56 million. While one may believe they won’t experience this, it is wise to rule out any possibilities. Water the tree frequently to prevent drying out and creating a fire hazard. Do not leave a menorah burning unattended if you celebrate Hanukkah. To prevent it from tipping over, place the menorah on a strong surface. Candles and menorahs should be kept out of pets’ and kids’ reach. A house fire caused by a candle or decoration is one of the worst things that could happen.

Unfortunately, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 18,000 Americans are treated in emergency rooms each year for injuries brought on by Christmas decorations. Decorating-related lacerations, strains and sprains, fractures, contusions and abrasions, and ingestion were the most frequent injuries seen in the emergency room. Be careful when decorating your home this year to avoid going to the emergency room for any reason.

Do You Need Help?

Holiday decorating should be a joyful family activity that gets everyone in the holiday spirit. Please keep these helpful decorating suggestions in mind to avoid any serious injury during the holidays this year. While we hope this never happens, if you are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence or a defective product, please contact Cunnane Law. Our personal injury lawyers are here to assist you with your case and provide free consultations.

Note: This information was provided not for any specific claim and is written in broad and general terms and may not be the right path to follow for a particular claim or case. This information is not intended to create an attorney client relationship. It is always best to receive direct legal counsel for your legal issues. It is never too early to call the attorney, but it can be too late.

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